January 12, 2021 admin

Capricorn New Moon

Moon Muse Meditation

Listen to Amaris read this contemplation during Zephrym’s Moon Muse Music Mix here:


Dark Mother Moon is hidden in the shadows, but we can feel her presence

A grand dark crystal orbits our night sky, transmitting vibrations we cannot deny

On this night she visits Capricorn

Her pull is strong

We can feel her strength in our legs and her wisdom in our bones

She is Cardinal Earth

Mother of all structure and form

Feel the hardness of the ground beneath you

Feel the pulse of the Earth within you

Feel your material reality

Temperature, Shapes, smells and sounds


Feel the energy potential of raw Strength,

Growth that comes from failure

Wisdom from time and patience

She is the Time Lord – tough love incarnate

Mother of Mountains and Manifestation

Director of all form, structure, numbers, time, rules and universal law

She invokes in us integrity, wisdom and respect

If you find her in that dark cave,

What will you offer her at the gate?

What mountains do you want to move?

What structures do you want to create?

She cares about your confidence to succeed and to grow in this world

She wants to see you climb to your highest peaks

She wants you to live a good life with health and wealth

She’ll teach you the hard lessons

and watch you leave the nest before she’s ever seen you fly

But you will learn.

You will try again.

You will be stronger.

You’ll reach higher.




Minute by minute

Hour by hour

Day by day

Week by Week

Month by Month

Year by year


will stand strong through

the test…

of time.

Welcome the energies of Capricorn New Moon

Welcome her

to dance with you.


You are stronger than you know

What are your goals for this material world

What do you want to achieve

What do you have to offer in return

How hard are you willing to work

What stands between you and your goals

What holds you back

Can you see yourself breaking through

What does that feel like

Can you see yourself achieving your goals

Feel it in your bones as if it is already here

What’s your plan to get there

What’s your timeframe

Who is your support system

You are so much stronger than you know

You have made it this far

climbed many mountains

fallen and gotten back up

We become wiser with time

Mother of Mountains I can feel your call

I am ready to work

to fail

to learn

I am ready to succeed

With harm to none and love towards all

With great respect to the dark Capricorn Moon Mother

we move forward with strength into the waxing moon


with love, Amaris

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