March 13, 2021 admin

Pisces New Moon

Moon Muse Meditation

Listen to Amaris read this contemplation during Zephrym’s Moon Muse Music Mix here:


It is a time of transformation – death of the old to make room for birth of the new

Change is a foot for nature and for the Collective unconscious

It is a time of merging duality and melting current reality

We are at the end of the long road and we know there is another journey ahead

For a moment feel as if you can breath through the pores of your skin

As you breathe in, you draw in all of the life force energy that surrounds you

As you breathe out you share a part of you with your immediate environment

Just as water holds no form without a container, life force energy comes in and out of form through all that exits.

Rain drop by rain drop merging with the great waters below, sinking into the earth, absorbing back into all of life.

It’s been a long journey home

So many experiences past

So many lessons to review

The credits are rolling, we know how this story ends

It’s time to wish for a new beginning

It’s time to dream

It’s time to return home. Mutable waters of Pisces at the New Moon create an environment to merge into oneness. To venture beyond the duality of self and other where I am you and you are me.  The life force energy is within us and we are within the life force energy.  We are one. We are each a strand of an infinite web of connection – one affects the all.  The all affects the one.

With this mutable water new moon we find ourselves dissolving into the collective unconscious, expanding vision beyond known reality.  We find ourselves in the uncontained space of infinite nowness.

How we feel inside is projected outwardly and what vibrates in the external is felt internally. There is no division, no structure, no form.  For a moment we may experience the formlessness of all of existence.  For a moment we may feel everything there is to feel and know that it is all impermanent, that there is no reason to hold an emotion for longer than we need to feel it.  That what we feel is an illusion projected onto structure and form. And that we can expand into any emotion we choose, any character or archetype.

Invite the signature of mutable water to take you on a journey of the collect unconscious of infinite emotions, dreams and vision – how one unified energy exists in the structure of all that exists.


For a moment feel as if you can breath through the pores of your skin

As you breathe in, your physical body comes into form.

As you breathe out feel that physical form fade into the collective

Inhale feel the form of the self.  Exhale dissolve into infinite oneness.

Do you have a vision or a feeling to plant for the journey ahead?

Is there an archetype you would like to call forward?

Imagine that the vibration of that seed is held in the energy that surrounds you

As you breathe in, draw that vibration into the form of self

As you exhale, share the fruits with your environment

feel the essence of it’s emotional existence

Feel your personal will aligned with divine will

With Harm to none, love to all

With great respect to the mutable waters of Pisces and the dark wisdom of the new Moon, may we grow into new structures alongside the building energy of the waxing moon.

with love, Amaris

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