December 14, 2020 admin

Sagittarius New Moon

Moon Muse Meditations

Listen to Amaris read this contemplation during Zephrym’s Moon Muse Music Mix here:


It is time to let go of the past

The darkest of days are here to guide us inward to the heart

The moon is invisible in the winter night sky

Cloaked with darkness, but inside she envelopes a deep pulse of pure energy

A pulse of spiraling fire
The pulse of Sagittarius

She is fertile to receive the archetypal seed of Jupiter
A seed that holds the power to expand, succeed, and experience abundance
A seed from the prophet, philosopher, metaphysician, world traveler, multiculturalist

We are presented with potential for broadening of perspective – it’s the spark of intuition to an evolved future. Emancipation beyond politics, religion, science, gender, culture, sexual preference, age or economics.

This new moon brings possibilities of a brighter future
A future that is divinely inspired
A future where we value the capacity to understand all points of view
A future where exploration and possibilities take priority over limitation and oppression.

This New moon potential steps up to take a journey for the purpose of taking a journey
No destination, no fame, no reputation – just exploration to seek a deeper purpose

Get on that horse
Be willing to fall off that horse
And to Get back on and ride

We are the makers of the future
We set the bar for what is right ethical moral
Embodied sportsmanship

This fiery potential needs space to breathe
In and out
Like a bellows. Let it breathe.

We learn from our past to reach for the future
Use these arrows of knowledge to shoot for the stars

We are all one. we are brothers and sisters of a new future.
We can do better. We will do better.
It’s time to believe to trust and to dream big!

Look each other and see each other
Human being to human being
Find the connection
Share your lineage
Work together
Pave a new way

Source the fiery courage to stand up for what you believe
Burn through the limits that restrain us from being connected together as one unified force.

There is a unifying essence to all of this
Dig deeper!
Expand wider!

Sagittarius new moon
Plant your seed for an evolved world
Time to dream big
Time to be the change you want to see

Invite the new moon potential of Sagittarius to dance with all of us.


Take a breath in
breathe it all out

Create some space to imagine a better future
What do you see?
What do you believe?
What hill are you willing to die on?

See the possibilities of a better future
See the opportunities ahead
Keep your heart open to understanding and inclusiveness
Know in your heart that you have the power to change
Be big. Be brave. Be bold.

Welcome the potential energy of Sagittarius mutable fire to enter into your aura and attract a divinely inspired life!

Do no harm, but take no shit
Unity through understanding.
Personal will aligned with divine will
With respect and thanks to the history of astrological magic
We build this energy with the growing light of the waxing moon.


with love, Amaris

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